Do You Have Any questions about Fire Risk Assessments?

Here at, we help you understand what is required to be legally compliant and how best to ensure your premises is safe.

In short, anyone who is responsible for a building, no matter the size of your business. For example an employer, owner or occupier of a premises that isn’t a single private dwelling (a private home). See our ‘who needs a fire risk assessment?’ page for further details.

A fire risk assessment is a detailed and systematic inspection of a premises, what it is used for and who might use it, from a fire prevention perspective. The assessment looks at the potential risks and makes recommendations for improving fire safety precautions to keep people accessing the premises safe.

It is a legal requirement to carry out a fire risk assessment according to The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (as amended). To reduce the risk of a fire occurring and to reduce the damage a fire may cause. Having a fire risk assessment will reduce the risk of fire on your premises and help reduce the chance of any potential fire affecting an adjacent building. It will also lessen the risk of injury or death to your employees / residents / members of the public in the event of a fire.

The law requires you to carry out a fire risk assessment and after the assessment, implement the specific fire safety measures highlighted to minimise the risk to life.

The findings following the assessment will be detailed and summarised in an executive summary and any major concerns that needs immediate addressing. An action plan is provided to support you in planning the implementation of any measures required.

A risk score will be provided. The report will satisfy regulatory requirements and is
acceptable for insurance purposes & re-mortgage applications.

Not yet. The assessment is the first step, is one of the fire safety duties that are required to
be complied with. However, if a comprehensive assessment is undertaken it will provide a
good starting point to your reaching compliancy.

No, but it is your responsibility to keep your assessment under review and continually comply with the rest of the regulations. However, if there are any changes made internally within the premises then it becomes a legal requirement to renew your fire risk assessment. We send out an annual reminder to all of our clients as a prompt to consider whether an updated fire risk assessment is appropriate.

There are likely to be a number of measures possible in each premises, but our inspectors will be able to determine which will be the most appropriate and cost effective for you.

The risk assessment process will reduce the risk of a fire occurring and the damage it could cause, as well as making your workplace a safer place by complying with the Regulations.

Most likely. They are the enforcing authorities for the Regulations and are required to develop risk-based inspection regimes within their areas. However, they will give you notice and if required, we can liaise with them on your behalf

In cases where a risk exists and it is not being managed, Fire Authorities have a statutory
duty to enforce compliance with the Regulations and they may serve a notice on you.
In serious cases, have resulted in:

  • Penalties of a fine of up to £5000 (for each offence) have been given.
  • Up to two years imprisonment, on conviction or indictment in a Crown Court
  • Fines up to £400,000 and prison sentences have been issued.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into effect and replaced over 70 pieces of fire safety law.

It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that their staff have had adequate training in order to ensure they know what they need to do in the event of a fire. Training should be provided on the induction stage with further training given throughout the length of employment. Things to include in fire awareness training should include the following: 

  • What to do when a fire is discovered
  • How to raise the alarm
  • What to do if you hear the fire alarm
  • Where the assembly points are located
  • Who contacts the emergency services
  • Firefighting policy
  • How to know it is safe to re-enter the building

It is good practice to fully review a Fire Risk Assessment every year. Your fire risk assessment must be reviewed if:

  • It may no longer be valid.
  • There have been structural changes made to the area/s under your control 
  • You have had a fire or near miss.
  • Now employing young persons under 18 & workers with disabilities. 
  • Findings from a fire evacuation drill identify the need for a change.

Yes, a member of our team will contact you prior to the date your annual review was recommended.

Vigilance Fire Safety cover all buildings: Schools, Offices, Retail shops and Outlets, Licensed Premises, Factories/ Workshops, Care Homes.  Communal areas of residential blocks are required to have a fire risk assessment under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order. Our assessors are able to conduct all of these for you. Please Contact Us.

No.  Vigilance Fire Safety do not sell or up sell any fire related equipment.  We will only provide recommendations for what is required within your premises to comply with the regulations.  We by no means want to compromise our recommendations with our ability to provide you with the required equipment.

Yes, all our assessors are covered.  Our Insurance documents and liability documents are available upon request.

Vigilance Fire Safety can liaise with yourself to provide advice and recommendations and also liaise with your local fire authority if requested with regards to any Prohibition, Enforcement or Alteration notices that may have been issued.

Our fire risk assessor will liaise with the client to see what is a best time to suit them.  We are able to conduct fire risk assessments at urgent notice.  Please Contact Us for further information or to book your risk assessment.

We request our clients to make full payment before any documentation is sent.  As soon as payment is received, your fire risk assessment report will be emailed to you.  Vigilance Fire Safety are able to provide a report to you within 48-72 hours, the risk assessment was conducted dependant on timings.

If you have documentation in place (if you don’t, that’s fine. This will be highlighted in the risk assessment for you to complete if required) the risk assessor will request to see evidence of. This includes:

    • Fire Safety Policy and Evacuation Procedures
    • Any documentation sent from Fire Authorities
    • Staff Training Records
    • Fire Log books (to include Emergency Lighting , Fire Alarm testing, Fire Doors, Final exit doors, fire extinguishers, fire evacuation drills.
  • Servicing/Maintenance Records (Emergency lighting, fire alarm system, Gas installation, NIC electrical certification


Our local fire risk assessments assessor will arrive at your premises at the arranged time and introduce himself to the ‘Responsible Person’ or person in control of the risk assessment process. The assessor will then spend some time asking a few questions and looking at any fire related documents you may have in place. Upon completion of the documentation/questions, the assessor will conduct a comprehensive walk around assessment of your premises covering all areas.  Photographs and notes will be taken via a handheld device to record all risks and hazards to persons occupying the building the assessor identifies.  On completion of the assessment the assessor will provide a debrief of his findings prior to leaving and compiling your full report. He would ask if you have any questions that needs addressing. 

Get a personal consultation.

Call us today at 079 2269 0085